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30 Dec 2013

Cradle in Echo    ➤ ➤ ➤    Welcome to the new drummer

Good news on the Cradle front a new timekeeper has been found after some auditions from several drummers Arnold decided to call a old friend and that was the right choice. Fons van der Pol is the loud and powerful hit man behind the kit

10 Nov 2013

Jackal    ➤ ➤ ➤    Gig P60 in Amstelveen

So to really do it right the re-release of cry of the Jackal should be done in the hometown Jackal there where it all begon. On the 3rd day of X-mas in P60 in Amstelveen the howling will be heard again. This time I will be a special guest again but the brothers Terry and Stephan Pechler will be joining on stage as well We did some rehearsals and man that was fun. Vexation,Mother of Sinand Evesfall will be joining the party with there music.

15 Oct 2013

Jackal    ➤ ➤ ➤    Gig in Cave in Amsterdam

More news from my howling friends of Jackal. The release party of the new re-released cd Cry of the Jackal will be friday 22 november in The Cave in Amsterdam And I will be a surprise bonus on the stage joining them for some songs from our demo. This will be a blast.

12 Oct 2013

Cradle in Echo    ➤ ➤ ➤    So long and thanks for the fish

After more than 20 years drumming Lajos is putting his drumsticks aside. He was the foundation and time keeper and a good friend for all those years. We will mis you very much. With this we have put the recordings aside for now but not for long.

08 Oct 2013

Jackal    ➤ ➤ ➤    Cd and Vinyl Release

Very Good news from my friends from Jackal.They have a world wide record deal with pure underground record/pure steel records for the re-release of their cd Cry of the Jackal. Release date october 18th 2013. It has as a bonus for me as bonus tracks 2 songs we recorded some 20 years ago for our demo The secret within. And this time its available on vinyl as wel. Lets hear a loud Cry of the Jackal!!!

04 Apr 2013

Cradle in Echo    ➤ ➤ ➤    Guitar parts on life wire

Dennis has finished all the guitar parts for life wire and it starts sounding very good. In the meen time were very busy building our new website will look amazing.

03 Mar 2013

Cradle in Echo    ➤ ➤ ➤    Drumming it in

We have started to lay down the drums for 2 new songs, Lajos has put down killer drums for the songs Lifewire and Emotional drained Jan did his grooving job putting all the bass on it. And Dennis has just finished the basic uitar rif and sols wil follow soon